Always wanted to read this book. Ironically my completion of this "diary" coincided with the current Palestinian-Israel conflict. I call it "conflict" not "war" because of its indisputably, one-sided (Israel of course) force of weaponry and monetary hegemony. The already lop-sided affair is compounded by a number of western nation (lead by United States) throwing in their support to the Zionist regime. Sadly, the (almost) daily indiscriminate, heavy bombardment and trangressions resulting in countless loss of innocent lives including the old, women and even children seems to escape the minds of the indifferent.
This book begs the sympathy the reader. The innocent revelations of a child bound by the cruelties of war. Through this narration, the reader is brought into the life of a thirteen year old girl. Escaping the persecution of Jews by the Nazi, a small family and friends lived in a secret annexe of a building for two years.
Man is capable of many things. Unimaginable atrocities is one.