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Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Memulakan Bisnes - Caspian Woods

Satu penulisan yang bagus. Tapi sayangnya, terjemahannya agak kurang mantap. Lantas membuatkan pembaca terkadang terpaksa menerka apa sebenarnya yang hendak disampaikan. Secara umumnya, ianya banyak mengandungi tip2 untuk menjalankan bisnes secara lebih berkesan. Memang berguna untuk para usahawan mahupun mereka yang berkira2 nak buka bisnes.

Points to learn:
  • usaha dengan ilmu mengurangkan risiko bisnes kurang menjadi
Rating: 3Star
Books tally: 32/100
Countdown: 226 days left

Jan      12 books
Feb       4 books
March   8 books
April     5 books


Thursday, May 14, 2020

A good book to read. Some relevent pointers for parents as well as children. Not sufficient but a good start. Parents and would-be parents should get more info from other books and sources. In general, recommended as a light read. Just to note that the frequent repetitions of gender eg his/her, rather annoys the reader. 

Points to note:
  • good parenting is essential in nurturing excellence in our children
Books tally: 31/100
Countdown: 231 days left

Jan      12 books
Feb       4 books
March   8 books
April     5 books


Monday, May 11, 2020

Brontok - Norbi Husin

Saat mula membaca, sepertinya tak berapa menarik. Sebab ianya merupakan catatan jurnal perjalanan seorang pendidik dalam menjalankan tugas2 harian beliau di Jabatan Pendidikan Melaka (JPM). Tetapi semakin dibaca, semakin asyik pula. Bukan apa, tapi kita dapat sedikit-sebanyak menyelam ke dunia para guru, sekolah dan pendidikan di Malaysia. Penulis menceritakan kehidupan kerja beliau mengharungi segala pancaroba. Suka dan duka. Pengajaran dan pengalaman. Bagusnya buku ini kerana di akhir setiap bab, ada "moral of the story". Banyak juga tips2 dalam pengurusan yang boleh digunapakai dalam mana2 organisasi.

Pointer to learn:
  • dalam melakukan apa2 pekerjaan, niatkan kerana Allah, tidak perlu mengharapkan puji2an dari orang
Rating: 3Star
Books tally: 30/100
Countdown: 234 days left

Jan      12 books
Feb       4 books
March   8 books
April     5 books


Thursday, May 7, 2020

Baltic Skies - Nikolai Chukovsky

I have had this book for God knows how long. Never crossed my mind to pick it up. One day, I just decided to read it. And never stop till I reached the last page. This is the first book on war that I've read. The author manages to depict the life during the Siege of Leningrad in the Second World War. The whole story revolves around a seasoned pilot who was enlisted in the Russian Air Force. Through his eyes, the reader is carried into a world of misery, despair and hope. Beautifully written and riveting till the end. You could almost picture the characters in their act in between the lines. A must read for those who love war stories. 

Points to learn:
  • war is never a solution..it only acts to aggravate the problem (in both sides)
Jan      12 books
Feb       4 books
March   8 books
April     5 books

Rating : 4 star
Books tally :  29 books
Countdown : 240 days left
