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Saturday, October 26, 2019

Air Mata Kasih Sayang - A.Ghani Abdullah

A. Ghani Abdullah. Seorang penulis yang sepatutnya diberi pengiktirafan yang setimpal dengan sumbangannya kepada khazanah sastera nusantara. Antara buku beliau yang terkenal adalah Puteri Lembah Dusun Damai. Gaya penulisan beliau yang unik kerap berlatarbelakangkan sejarah tempatan disulami unsur nasihat. Penggunaan bahasa yang berkualiti dan enak menambah "the reading experience" si pembaca. Cuma sedikit kepincangan dalam penerbitan buku ini disebabkan beberapa typo di sana sini. Sesuai dijadikan bacaan santai sambil minum kopi. Sudah tentu!

Points to learn :

  • pengajaran dari sejarah silam tanah air
  • nasihat berunsurkan hidup berkeluarga dan bermasyarakat
Rating: ✮✮

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Jangan Kata Apa Orang Tak Kata - Dr Muhammad Rozaimi Ramle

Image result for jangan kata apa orang tak kata

A definite eye opener. Controversial. Sensational. No holds barred. That's Dr Rozaimi. A well-known hadith exponent (muhaddithin). Written straight to the point with clear facts. Controversial yes...coz we have been followers but not seekers. Time to change our approach. READ.

Points to learn :
  • habits are hard to break
  • break you must if it is the right thing to do
Ratings : ✮✮✮

Cerita Gagal - Faizah Hamid/Fatin Syamimy

Image result for cerita gagal faizah hamid

Cerita gagal..a collection of life experiences gathered from the net. Interesting narratives and somewhat soothing to the soul. Recommended for those looking for some motivation in life. Facing challenges. Thoughts of giving up. This is the right book for you.

Points to learn :
  • always get back on your feet everytime you fall (success may just be a step away)
  • failure..is NOT the end.
Ratings : ✮✮

Friday, October 4, 2019

Sapiens - A Brief History of Mankind -Yuval Noah Harari

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Full of fallacies. One man's imagination (..or delusion ) arising from his childhood and native background. A true atheist and a so-called man of science. Ironically, on the basis of the same argument that Mr Harari derives his "hypotheses", science without any doubt does prove the existence of the supreme being we call God. Or the Muslims..Allah. "The Mind of God" by Paul Davies is one good start for those seeking a solid scientific explanation.

An interesting, rivetting read, nevertheless. Written from the big bang to the origin of man (Big history) to the present day. Highly recommended for the inquisitive minds. Happy reading !

Points to learn :
  • science and religion is inseparable
  • life as we know simply cannot exist by chance (scientifically)
Rating : ✮✮✮✮