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Thursday, March 28, 2019

Wang! Wang! Kenapa selalu tidak cukup? - M.Iskandar & Mariam M Nor

Image result for buku wang! wang! kenapa selalu tidak cukup? M.Iskandar dan Mariam M Nor

At first glance, I thought that it's another of "those" books. However, after I read through it, there was some good and practical pointers to get your finances in shape. But a word of caution. A lot of repetition.

Points to learn:
  • you are responsible for your own finances
  • discipline..discipline..discipline, that's the key
  • differentiate between needs and wants

Cuit-cuit Ustaz Kazim - Ustaz Kazim Elias

FAST. Yes..one of the fastest book I have ever read cover to cover. Less than half an hour. But I have to admit that I have to give full credit to the way it was presented..large fonts, pictures and lots and lots of spaces! Nevertheless, a good book to hold to soothe the heart, mind and soul.

Points to learn:
  • Life is full of lessons

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Liku-liku Hartanah - Nazri bin Mustafa


A very light read on property legality written by a lawyer who happens to be also a property investor. Good to spice-up your knowledge on realestate especially on the legal aspects. Relevant for investors, landlords or even wannabe tenants.

Points to learn:

  • everything has risks even realestate
  • calculated risk is OK
  • when it comes to legal documents always READ READ READ between the lines(and the fine print as well!)
  • finally ENGAGE a professional (a lawyer of course) to see you through it.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Dimensi Bahasa Dalam Agama - Munif Zarirruddin Fikri Nordin

Dimensi Bahasa Dalam Agama

Quite a technical write-up on the relationship between language and religion. When I first picked up the book, I thought it was going to be another boring  and dry read. But alas! I have  never been so wrong. Gives good understanding and a new perspective on how we look at language and its importance in society and civilisation. 

Points to learn:
  • language thrives on religion and vice versa
  • language withers away when it's forgotten
  • learn languages, it's never a waste of time!

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Imam di Kota Paris - Rifa'a Al-Tahtawi

A book written on the knowledge and experiences gained from years (1826-1831) in Paris. A delegate of intellects sent by Muhammad Ali Pasha who was the governor of Egypt under the Ottoman empire. The goal was to transfer technology and modernise Eygpt. Gives an insight of Paris from an Arab Muslim.

Points to learn:
  • knowledge is power (within the guide of Islam)
  • learning is a never-ending process
  • quest for knowledge crosses nations and creed

Ratings: ✮✮✮