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Thursday, December 20, 2018

Mat Jenin Sebenarnya Hero-Saiful Nang

Image result for Mat Jenin Sebenarnya Hero-Saiful Nang

A sequel to his earlier book, the so-called "yellow book". Obviously, this is the "red one". Similar to the 1st book, it's a collection of Saiful Nang's blog posts. Full of ideas and thought-provoking words (you guessed right..just like the first book). Suitable for a light read (though the binding of both books need some major upgrading).

Points to learn:

  • hard work usually pays
  • there's nothing wrong being different
  • most of the time, it's not being different BUT actually being unique

Kitab Al-Hikam-Syaikh Ibn 'Atha'illah as-Sakandari

Image result for Kitab Al-Hikam-Syaikh Ibn 'Atha'illah as-Sakandari

A composition full of reflections on the relation between man and Allah as well as towards mankind. Encroaching into sufism. Despite differences in view towards sufism from scholars such as Ibn Taimiyyah, Ibn 'Atha'illah managed to present sufism in an entirely beautiful perspective. Worth a read for those embarking in a journey to know Allah.

Points to learn:

  • there is always differing opinions from scholars but all of them agree on the fundamentals
  • sufism as with any other knowledge, needs to be understood not antagonised blatantly
  • each chapter needs reader's self-reflection

Saat Menjadi Tetamu Allah-Syed Mahadzir Syed Ibrahim

Image result for saat menjadi tetamu Allah Syed Mahadzir Syed Ibrahim

A collection of narratives on Haj experiences and unusual incidents that can only be attributed to the greatness of Allah. A very humbling (..and scary at times) presentation. Simple language and definitely a page-turner. Finished in a day!

Points to learn:

  • we are all humble servants of Allah
  • nothing goes unreckoned..even the smallest deeds
  • sometimes the "punishment" (or even rewards) are granted in the worldly life
Ratings: ✭✭

Thursday, December 13, 2018

100 Great Innovation Ideas- Howard Wright

Image result for 100 great innovation ideas howard wright

A great book indeed. Suitable to rekindle the idle mind to be more creative and innovative. Lots and lots of reference and links that makes it the more interesting. Great page-turner as well with concise ideas laid out in simple terms.

Points to learn:

  • 100 great innovation ideas (as the title says)
  • as much as we think we know, there is always much more to learn from others
Rating: ✭✭✭

Dalam Jubah Sufi- Dr Asmaji Muchtar

Image result for dalam jubah sufi Dr Asmaji Muchtar

Delves into the world of sufism. A good intro but lacks depth in the subject matter. Nevertheless, it's a start. Written in simple, easy to understand language. For those religiously inclined, it would be a page-turner.

Points to learn:

  • what is sufism
  • the spectrum of belief (yakeen)
  • there is always 2 (maybe more) perspective in everything we experience
Rating: ✯✭

Passion for Books-Shaharom TM Sulaiman

Image result for passion for books Shaharom TM Sulaiman

Finally, I found what was wrong with me. Found this book by chance during my regular visits to the local library. One look..and I knew I had to read it. And true enough I realised that I'm not alone. The author (probably suffering from the same malady) clearly explains our kind. The best part is..it has been afflicting mankind since aeons.

Points to learn:

  • dissects the anatomy of book lovers
  • biblioholics (book lovers..to put it mildly) have been around for ages
  • offers many references and interesting links
Rating: ✭✮

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

When Time Stood Still - Raja Petra Kamarudin

Image result for When Time Stood Still - Raja Petra Kamarudin

Yet again ..one of those blogger's posts made into a book. But this time it's none other than our very own Raja Petra Kamarudin or better known as RPK. A writer with mainly political inclination albeit inconsistent (for reasons most Malaysians would know). A light read to refresh the mind and broaden the outlook.

Points to note

  • In politics, nothing is hard and fixed, even your friends and foes.
  • the birth of reformation
  • political decline at its worse
Rating : ✮✮

Travelog Tarbiah oleh Dr Zaharuddin Abdul Rahman

Image result for Travelog Tarbiah oleh Dr Zaharuddin Abdul Rahman

Satu bacaan yang santai tapi penuh pengajaran. Gaya penulisan yang ringkas dan menarik sehingga pembaca teruja untuk sentiasa meneruskan bacaan dari satu mukasurat ke berikutnya. 

Beberapa pokok isi yang dapat digarap adalah

  • berpegang teguh kepada prinsip hidup
  • jihad mengejar ilmu
  • sedekah dan amal ibadah menyampaikan ilmu
  • memartabatkan Islam melalui ilmu
  • kesatuan dalam perbedaan melalui Islam
  • ilmuwan Islam semakin diperlukan
  • para ibubapa harus mula melihat bidang ini sebagai satu pilihan utama untuk anak2 terutama yang pintar
Rating : ✮✮

Sebuah Kemenangan Nyata oleh Tuan Guru Dato' Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat

Image result for Sebuah Kemenangan Nyata oleh Tuan Guru Dato' Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat

Satu penceritaan kisah Nabi SAW terutamanya kisah2 peperangan yang amat menarik. Gaya bahasa dan penyampaian yang mudah difahami sepertimana buku2 TGNA yang lain. 

Pokok isinya

  • memahami cabaran dan penderitaan yang dilalui Nabi SAW dan para sahabat dalam penyebaran dakwah Islam
  • memahami siasah perang dan politik Nabi SAW yang tiada tandingannya
Rating : ✮✮✮

Golden Stories of Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab RA

Image result for Golden Stories of Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab RA

An interesting light read to get an overview knowledge about one of the most illustrious sahaba of our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW. Umar RA who reigned as the Caliph during the pinnacle of the Muslim kingdom.

Points to be learnt

  • virtues of the sahaba, namely Umar RA
  • wisdom in syura practise in decision-making
  • management of organisation
  • the ultimate goal is to obtain the pleasure of Allah SWT
Rating : ✮✮✮

Winning The Game of Stocks by Adam Khoo

Image result for Winning The Game of Stocks by Adam Khoo


If you are a novice, this read is good. It is neither heavy nor light. Just the right salt and pepper to dish out stock trading.

Adam Khoo is the right person. Having a good, proven track record. Not just another "theory-person" without any real-life experience to walk the talk. Some pretty valuable tips spice-up the read, presented in a simple to understand to the lay person.

Points to learn

  • there is NO 100% winnings
  • the goal is more winnings than losses
  • capital and risk management (do not bite more than you can chew)
Rating : ✮✮✮

Saiful Nang- Kisah Orang Menang

Image result for Saiful Nang- Kisah Orang Menang

One of those books that is actually a compilation of one's blog posts. Many a times depicts one's look at life and personal opinions. This is one selective pick. Thus, worth reading not because the writer is "somebody" but coz it's full of ideas and different perspective of life. A continuous, good, light read. Recommended over a cup of coffee.

Points to learn

  • being poor is not the problem
     the poor mind is the problem
  • determination and sheer hardwork is equation for success
  • give back whether when u are "have" or "have-not"

Ratings : ✮✮✮

Ar-Roh- Hidup Selepas Mati- Ibnu Qayyim

Image result for Ar-Roh- Hidup Selepas Mati- Ibnu Qayyim

An insightful read on the essence of life...and death. Somewhat deep and needs some amount of pondering and understanding to really appreciate it. Nevertheless, reader's discretionary is of paramount importance in digesting write-ups of this nature especially dealing with issues of such an high ambiguity. But still it's a good read at least as an eye-opener that there IS life after death..at least for the believers. 

Points to note

  • there is life after death
  • body and soul are very real
  • the realm of barzakh is real
  • every human deeds will be accounted for
  • Allah created man for a purpose..to submit TOTALLY to Him
Rating : ✮✮✮

Kudakap Cintamu Ramadan - Mohammad Subki Abdul Rahman Al-Hafiz

Image result for kudakap cintamu ramadan

A pleasant-looking book, written in simple and similarly pleasant style. Light read peppered with infobits on Ramadan (the fasting month of Muslims). 

Points to learn

  • Islam is a practical religion
  • Ramadan is a blessed month
  • the do's and don'ts during Ramadan
Rating : ✮✮

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Ruqyah : Jin, Sihir & Terapinya oleh Syaikh Wahid Abdussalam Bali

Image result for ruqyah jin sihir dan terapinya

Satu bacaan yang membuka minda terhadap dunia jin dan sihir. Sesuai untuk yang baru nak mengenal bidang ruqyah. Namun, hanya sebagai pengenalan dan perlu mencari ilmu dengan mereka yang pakar dan diakui ilmunya. Secara tidak langsung, membawa kita kepada kesedaran akan kebesaranNya.

Pokok isinya

  • mengenal makhluk ciptaan Allah...jin
  • memahami bahawa segala sesuatu hanya berlaku dengan kehendakNya
Rating : ✮✮✮